Fera Matter

Premiere 15.2.2023. Helsinki, Theatre Academy

Sourcing from mythological narratives of female characters Atalanta and Persephone, Lydia is looking to distil transtemporal qualities of female existence through a choreographic exploration that suspends, hangs, glides, grips, levitates, sways (…). In this solo work, Lydia is interested in the perception of female physicality and vitality seen through the prism of different forces; from strength to softness, and everything in-between.

Working group:

  • Choreography & performance: Lydia Touliatou (MA Programme in Choreography, artistic thesis for Master of Arts, dance)

  • Sound design & Music composition: Alina Ostrogradskaya (MA Programme in Sound design, artistic thesis for Master of Arts, theatre and drama); Oh Jin Yong Derek (Degree Programme in Composition, 3rd year student)

  • Lighting design: Anssi Ruotanen (guest)

  • Spatial design: Aino Kontinen (MA Programme in Design for the Performing Arts)

  • Costume design: Havina Jäntti (Theatre Academy)

  • Sculpture: Xiao Zhiyu (MA in Fine Arts, Academy of Fine Arts)

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